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Aug 24, 2023 | By Pauline Ashenden
Meeting changing expectations around email customer service

Email customer service may not be new, but it remains popular. In fact, it is the most used digital channel and accounts for 13.7% of all interactions - second only to the telephone.

Aug 4, 2023 | By Helen Billingham
How real-time chat translation delivers better multilanguage customer service

Providing service in a customer’s preferred language is key to a great experience, that’s why embracing real-time chat translation makes this easier to achieve.

Jul 31, 2023 | By Helen Billingham
Tracking the right customer service metrics for contact center success

Contact centers have always measured key customer service metrics. However, given the rising importance of customer experience, the metrics used must evolve and change.

Jun 28, 2023 | By Darren Bugg
The importance of post-purchase customer service in online shopping

Good customer service is vital for business success. This is especially important in the post-purchase stage of the customer journey. But it’s even more important with online retailing, where the customer is more unforgiving.

May 26, 2023 | By Helen Billingham
The benefits of IoT in customer service

Every organization should understand the benefits of IoT in customer service, from improving CX and increasing efficiency.

May 12, 2023 | By Helen Billingham
Mother’s Day Customer Service

Mother's Day has the potential to either make or break your reputation with individual customers. If you get customer service right, you will earn people's trust for the long term. However, Mother's Day isn't simple for retailers to get right.

USA May 3, 2023 | By Helen Billingham
Tapping into the benefits of the multigenerational contact center

How do you meet all the needs of a multigenerational contact center workforce and benefit from all of their skills and experiences?

USA Jan 20, 2023 | By Larry Ekiert
3 Options to Integrate Call Recording with Microsoft Teams

Companies are increasingly embracing Microsoft Teams. So, what are the best options to integrate call recording with MS Teams?

USA May 2, 2022 | By Larry Ekiert
A Game Plan for FSI’s and Credit Unions (Part 3)

The Power of Moving Forward Faster - Legacy Technology Affects Client/Member Identity Authentication - It's an Impediment to Successfully Serving Your Clients, Members, and Customers. Investment Firms, Insurance Companies, and Financial Services organizations (FI for short) including Credit Unions (CU) are typically limited in their operational flexibility due to the state of their existing infrastructure, systems, and the rigid, typically manual processes they rely on. The reality is that these organizations can’t or are unwilling to replace their core systems any time soon, due to cost, proprietary technologies, or archaic data structures. A Hybrid Approach Helps Things Happen. Faster and More Efficiently.

USA Mar 23, 2022 | By Larry Ekiert
A Game Plan for FSI’s and Credit Unions (Part 2)

The Power of Moving Forward Faster - Legacy Technology Affects Process Modernization - It's an Impediment to Successfully Serving Your Clients, Members, and Customers. Investment Firms, Insurance Companies, and Financial Services organizations including Credit Unions (FI for short) are typically limited in their operational flexibility due to the state of their existing infrastructure, systems, and the rigid, typically manual processes they rely on. The reality is that these organizations can’t or are unwilling to replace their core systems any time soon, due to cost, proprietary technologies, or archaic data structures. Hybrid Helps Things Happen

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