Contact UsAll the functionality you need, with the flexibility you require
Contact Center for SMB is a flexible, cost-effective and robust omni-channel platform that enables Small and Medium Businesses (SMB’s) to deliver the same superior customer experiences (CX) that Enterprises offer.
The advanced capabilities provided by CC for SMB deliver optimal agent productivity and effectiveness while improving overall Contact Center performance. Maximize customer responsiveness across all communications channels including voice, voicemail, email, SMS, web chat, social media, and video while fitting into your current business realities.
Easily and intuitively optimize ongoing operations in real-time using its award-winning graphical user interfaces (GUI’s), comprehensive administration capabilities and business intelligence reporting. Leverage the industry’s most comprehensive range of Contact Center capabilities:
Benefit from industry-leading resiliency, redundancy, and flexibility, to serve your customers with confidence
Our security best practices, and secure product development lifecycle, assure data protection across cloud-based services
Listen. Understand. Act on the Voice of the Customer. Develop customer insights from every touchpoint in the customer journey, and understand what their issues are, and why – with context
See what you’ve been hearing. Leverage video to enhance the customer/agent experience, provide detailed visual instructions or to demo capabilities
Provide customer self-service via IVR apps, speech recognition, AI and chatbot driven interactions, along with providing customers with the information they want, when they want it, how they want it. Customers can engage with a live agent anytime they choose to
Deploy Contact Center for SMB on-premise, in the cloud or as a hybrid architecture, add agents and back-office resources as required, on a temporary or permanent basis
Add or reallocate agents as needed to meet seasonal needs. Manage inbound, outbound and blended needs with ease, regardless of where they are located
Intuitive visual dashboards provide key information at a glance with drag-and-drop flexibility to create personalized ad hoc reports
Unlimited Integration of third-party applications, with any PBX, Unified Communications or UC as a Service platform, and use single or multiple telephony infrastructure providers
Simply provide a few details and we will be in touch with you shortly to discuss the best Contact Center for SMB options for you.